8th April 2024
We are very pleased to confirm that we have renewed corporate sponsorship for 2024/25 from Wrigleys Solicitors and we have a new investment management supporter for this financial year – McInroy & Wood. Liz Wild from McInroy & Wood has spoken at a couple of Yorkshire Funders’ events in the past few years and it will be a real benefit for Yorkshire Funders and our members to have the firm as a corporate partner. Find out more here: https://www.mcinroy-wood.co.uk/
We have also secured core supporter funding from the Sir George Martin Trust, The BRELMS Trust and R.E. Chadwick Charitable Trust. Thank you to these supporters who recognise the role of Yorkshire Funders in nurturing a more vibrant voluntary and community sector in Yorkshire. If you want to become a core support as well, please contact Jan Garrill, jan@yorkshirefunders.org.uk or 07554 425431.
If you haven’t renewed your 2024/25 membership, please note we would like invoices paid by the 19th of April. Any questions please contact Jaeesha Ali jaeesha@yorkshirefunders.org.uk